gearslutz best headphones mixing

Best Headphones for Tracking/Mixing? $180 max - Page 2.
Best Headphones for Mixing? - Page 3 -

Best mixing headphones.? -
First and foremost, hello! As you can plainly see I'm a newb here, and I'm also very new to the whole pro audio deal. I've been lurking these.
I'm using some ath-m50s but bought them for tracking. A lot of people say there good for mixing if you have to. I really only like to track with cans.

gearslutz best headphones mixing

gearslutz best headphones mixing

Cheapest/Best-valued tracking/mixing/mastering headphones.
Best mixing headphones! - Page 46 -
Best mixing headphones???? - Page 3 -
Headphone will cause 4 problems to mix job: No1. Bad judgment on image size. Make listener think the image is bigger than what he think it is.
best studio headphones gearslutzLooking for high quality studio phones for tracking/monitoring. Something extremely best headphones for mixing gearslutz flat.

Best mixing headphones! - Page 19 -

Originally Posted by audiotech I mostly agree what everyone is saying about the Sony headphones. The 7506 and MDR-V6 are OK to establish.
I seek guidelines of what to keep in my mind when mixing mixes which should sound good in both headphones and speakers. According to me.
Originally Posted by MikeN Well, I see a lot of good reviews, plus the price point, plus the comfort, plus the open back.. (my family keeps the.

The absolute ultimate headphones for mixing -

Originally Posted by audiotech I mostly agree what everyone is saying about the Sony headphones. The 7506 and MDR-V6 are OK to establish.
Production headphones -
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